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November 2022

Bulletin Deadline Coming Up!

Hello Members!  A reminder that the deadline for our Conference and Trade Show Bulletin is the 16th of November.  This is a great opportunity for you to MPL Clock
reach every member in our association with your message/advertisement prior to going to Nashville.  We're on a really tight turnaround this time because we want to get the Bulletin to you well before the middle of December. 

So, if you've got business news or if you are advertising with new copy we're going to need that before the 16th.  If you are in the holiday mood you can also send holiday greetings to your members with a small ad. You can send your ad and presser to [email protected].  Please be aware of the really matters with this edition.  So you have ad information here is a LINK to the ad sizes and rates.

One more thing Kim and I just finished our weekly phone meeting and I can share with you we've received lots of registrations for our Nashville event in January. This looks to be a fantastic conference and trade show.  To get registered you can follow this LINK.

Thank you for being a member!

Michael & Kim