It's Going To Be Awesome!
Very soon we're going to be sending out a link, by email, to those of you who have registered for our Annual Conference and Trade Show scheduled for January 19 - 21 in Nashville. The link will take you to the Whova Event & Conference App which will give you the power to communicate with other conference attendees, post photos, make appointments, check the agenda, gather contact data at the trade show booth, experience some great contests and more. This also means that we'll be going mostly paperless in January.
Over the summer Kim has been working on making sure this will be a positive experience and we're almost at launch. When you get your notice via email you can start to build your profile in the app. That would include your photo, details about your company, contact information, etc.
One more thing. The Whova App also allows you to market your company to attendees. Yes, there is advertising space that scrolls from page to page. The Board has recommended that advertising space be sold to our membership at $500 per advertiser and we already have two spots taken! You can advertise your website, special deals and more. It's a new and exciting way to market your company to our membership. And, the app stays live for weeks after the event. If you would like to claim an advertising spot connect with Kim by email, [email protected] or me at [email protected] and we'll get you hooked up.
Also a reminder that you can register for our Annual Conference and Trade Show now and save. Here is that link, and check out how fancy this looks...also another big change.
We hope you'll engage with this new technology because it will truly enhance your experience. So, you know, I've used the Whova App at several national events and it's really slick. Be watching for your email invite and thank you for being a member!
Michael & Kim