Oh My!!! NTPDA22 in Kansas City
BIG News for Small Businesses and the NTPDA

Shhhhh...It's Jeff Fawcett's Birthday!

When you're a member of the National Tractor Parts Dealer Association it's sorta like being in a big family. We're always reaching out to our NTPDA Members Jeff Fawcett June 2019 for news and information that we can share with the rest of our group.  Sure, we love doing business, but we also love staying connected. And, that...brings us to this:

Jeff Fawcett, the former owner of Fawcett Tractor Supply, is having a birthday in September. We were in contact with his daughter Liz who would LOVE to surprise him with cards or even a video hello.  If you would like to send a card to Liz here is that address:

Liz Fawcett
2132 Rd 120, RR2
St. Marys, ON
N4X 1C5
Now, if you want to link up and send a video...click on this link to make it happen!
One more thing...we created this quick video to wish him a Happy 60th Birthday and wanted to share it with you as well.

It really is like being in a big family. A reminder, if you've got personal or professional news and want to share let us know?  You can send it to directly to [email protected]
Thank you and thank you for being a Member!


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