Business News from K&M Manufacturing
The National Tractor Parts Dealer Association (NTPDA) encourages our members to share information about their ongoing business development with us so we can share the news far and wide over our expansive social media presence and by email.
Today we heard from Mark Ziemann of K&M Manufacturing headquartered in Renville, Minnesota. Mark tells us that the company has implemented a “no travel” order for the outside sales force and those folks, along with the inside sales people and office personal, are all working from home and in contact with their customers.
K&M has set their phones to automatically roll over direct extensions to cell or home phones so there is no lag in making contact with the company.
As for the manufacturing and shipping departments they are fully operational and following government guidelines. All orders that are received are being entered and fulfilled as usual.
Yet there have been some changes: All personal plant and office visits to the company facilities have been suspended ad all “will call” customer pickups have also been suspended until further notice.
Mark tells us that K&M is working with their vendors to insure that the supply chain remains viable and intact.
And, in case you were wondering, K&M Manufacturing has been declared an essential business.
Mark added, “Our goal is to provide for the safety and wellbeing of our employees, customers and the community at large. We are doing our very best to provide the high quality customer service you have come to expect from K&M. While you may experience some longer than usual wait times due to a high volume of calls, and the current situation please be patient and bear with us. You can always send orders and get support via email to: [email protected].”
Mark said that customers can contact him via his cell phone or email if you have questions or concerns and added, “Please let me know if I can help, even if it is an out the ordinary request. Please stay safe and we wish you the best during this situation. I am very proud of everyone in the industry dedicated to keeping our farmers and construction workers viable during these times!”
Mark Ziemann Cell Phone: 612-570-2653
Mark’s email: [email protected]