Meet our Members - YRC Freight with Aleisia Dragon
The Grand Re-Boot - Shipping Issues with Steven Haas

Open For Business

During the past week we at the National Tractor Parts Dealer Association (NTPDA) have been reaching out to our members and visiting about their business Open Sign and their families. We've talked to dozens of people and we're hearing that, compared to last year, business has been really good. "Farmers have been in the mood to fix and repair what they have and because planting season is coming up they are busy and they are buying", was one comment we heard often.

Meanwhile the biggest concern shared with us was that if business starts to falter what that might do to their employees. "I've never laid off a person since we started this business," said one of our members. "My goal is to stick with it. We had a tough time several years ago and we kept everybody working. I hope to do that now and into the future."

Commodity prices are also playing a part in how farmers are dealing with fixing and repairing their equipment. One of our members told us, "You know, if the commodities were higher maybe we wouldn't be so busy. Farmers have had a rough couple of years so buying new doesn't seem to be on the mind of many."

One of the very cool things about this association is that we all know each other, do business with each other and, generally, like each other. That always comes out in these conversations when we talk about family. It's important to them and it's also important to us so we talk about kids, grandkids, husbands wives and parents.

One final thought. Human connection is important. We've noticed that phone calls that may have been over in three or four minutes now linger as people want to stay connected and talk. It's been a pleasure to spend fifteen or twenty minutes talking business, family and friends. It's what

If we have not yet connected with you be assured you're on our list and remember on March 24 we'll celebrate National Agriculture Day.

Thanks for reading and stay safe and well. 


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