Member News - Rock Valley Tractor Parts Expands
We love telling stories about our members and their businesses. Today we've got an update on the expansion going on at Rock Valley Tractor Parts from our
NTPDA President, Scott Schelling. It's a story with an interesting twist. (You can click on the images to enlarge.)
Last year Rock Valley Tractor Parts acquired a company called Iowa Cutter Supply. It's a forage cutter company that, ironically, Scott helped get off the ground back in 2010. The company is in the niche business of supplying parts for forage harvesting. These are the machines that are most often associated with dairy feed. While most of us are accustomed to grain farming we had
to ask Scott about the dairy business. "You would be surprised at the number of dairy cows there are here in Northwest Iowa", said Scott. "It's sort of a secret because of all the attention given to corn and soybeans. In fact, just down the road about 34 miles is Wells Blue Bunny an ice creme giant in the United States."
Scott tells us that he's selling forage cutter parts not only in the North America but also in Puerto Rico, Central America and Australia.
To incorporate the acquisition into Rock Valley Tractor Parts headquarters has required a major expansion of the company footprint.
"We're sort of land-locked here so our expansion plans centered on buying three homes near our offices. We then tore down two of them but the third we couldn't destroy. You see, it was the first house my wife Vicki and I lived in after we were married." Rather than demolish their first home Scott had the house picked up and moved about ten miles away. "It wasn't that we were just sentimental; it was a good house and will make a fine home for the buyers."
In its place will be a new 21,000 sq. ft. building that will house Iowa Cutter Supply plus a brand new tractor parts teardown room. "The room we use now was built back in 1968 and tractors have changed just a bit since then. We need the room!"
Congratulations to Rock Valley Tractor Parts and we loved the story about the house!
If you've got a story about your business we'd love to showcase it. Drop us a line at [email protected] and let's talk.