Say "Yes!" to Phoenix in 2020
For those of you who were part of the fantastic National Tractor Parts Dealer Association Annual Meeting & Trade Show that just ended in Mobile, Alabama you KNOW ho much this means for not only business but also building relationships with fellow members.
However, for those of you who did not make the trip here is a quick video with some sights and sounds of our time together. Perhaps you'll catch the fever to be with us in Phoenix in January of 2020 or in social media #NTPDA20.
Not only does your association do great things for our members we also believe in "giving back". Last night at the St. Jude Auction member raised over $11,300 for the children's charity. Well done and it's how your association family rolls.
Look, next year we're at a wonderful venue in the Phoenix area...and, if you start planning now (like we are) you'll be prepared to join us for our 36th Annual Meeting and Trade Show which promises to be even bigger and better than Mobile. Some things to consider:
- Talk with your Board Members about what you would like to see in 2020;
- Visit with us about your business needs and how we can assist in building your business;
- Start to set aside some funds for airfare and lodging. A little set aside each month goes a long way;
- Reach out to us with suggestions for our display area and networking.
The NTPDA is here for you and your business.
We hope to see you, through the year, and watch for our Summer Session in Sioux Falls. Safe travels and thank you all for your membership and your interest in your association.